Tracks - Set to Compose Mode

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These commands sets one or more tracks to compose mode.

Current Track, current band style only (C)
This command sets the current track to compose mode, but only for the current band style.

Current Track, all band styles
This command sets the current track to compose mode for all band styles.

Selected Tracks, current band style only
This command sets all selected tracks to compose mode, but only for the current band style.

Selected Tracks, all band styles
This command sets all selected tracks to compose mode for all band styles.

Instrument Tracks, current band style only
This command sets all instrument tracks to compose mode, but only for the current band style.

Instrument Tracks, all band styles
This command sets all instrument tracks to compose mode for all band styles.

Drum Tracks, current band style only
This command sets all drum tracks to compose mode, but only for the current band style.

Drum Tracks, all band styles
This command sets all drum tracks to compose mode for all band styles.

All Tracks, current band style only
This command sets all tracks to compose mode, but only for the current band style.

All Tracks, all band styles
This command sets all tracks to compose mode for all band styles.