Entering Chords

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Chords are displayed just above a measure's staff. To enter and edit chords with the computer keyboard, move the cursor in the Measures View to the desired location and press the Enter key. Type in the chord name and press Enter to keep the chord or press the Escape key to cancel the edit and return to the previous chord. You may also double click in the chord area above the measure to enter a new chord or edit an existing chord.

Once you have entered at least one chord a pop up window is displayed showing chords that you have previously entered in the current song. Use your computer's up and down arrow keys to select a chord from this list and press Enter once you have selected the chord that you want. When you are entering chords you will see this recent chord list until a MIDI note is played. Once a MIDI note is played while entering chords, the recent chords in the pop up window are replaced with chords names derived from the MIDI notes that you are playing. To learn about entering chords with your MIDI keyboard see the MIDI Chord Entry topic.