Track Mode

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For style tracks, this item displays the compose mode (Compose, Keep or Erase) for the musician assigned to this track in the current band style. Change the compose mode by double clicking or pressing Enter.

Important to remember: As the now time changes, either by moving the chord cursor in the Measures View or by playback, each track's mode display will update to always display the compose mode based on the current band style. As you move in time from one band style to another you will see the track compose modes changing to reflect the current band style. In the event that a track is not used by a band style, only the keep and erase modes will be available for that track.

Note that if the current track is not used by any of the musicians in the current band style, you will only be able to choose Keep and Erase modes, Compose mode is disabled. This is because with no musician using this track there is nothing to compose.

Tip: Pressing C sets the current track to compose mode if the track is assigned to a musician in the current band style. Pressing K sets the current track to keep mode and pressing E sets the current track to erase mode.