Tracks View

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The Tracks View is the main interface for working with your song's MIDI data. This is where you mix the different instruments in your song. When music is played in Bandora, what you are hearing is the MIDI data on each track as it's sent to your MIDI output device. Mostly this consists of notes, but all standard MIDI event types are supported as well as some custom event types.

The Tracks View is laid out in a grid format where each row is a separate track and each column is a property of a track. When loading and composing band styles, Bandora tries to keep a blank track between the instrument and drum tracks. But, you may order the tracks in any way that you like by dragging one or more tracks by the track number.

Tip: To quickly activate the Tracks View of the current song press Ctrl+1 or click the Tracks View tool on the main tool bar.

The MIDI data on each track can come from multiple sources.

A MIDI file or Bandora song (.cmp) file.  

You can record your own MIDI parts to a track.  

You can enter your own MIDI parts on a track by using the Piano Roll Editor or the Event List Editor.  

Bandora can compose tracks for you after you load one or more band styles and enter some chords. Only style tracks can be used by the composer. See the Track Types section for more information.  

The Tracks View allows you to control how each track sounds using the following items.

Track Types  

Track Layouts  

Track Number  







Bank Number  






Time Shift  



Edit Style  

Track Meters  

Event Count  

MIDI Thru  

Tip: Holding down the Ctrl key when rolling the mouse wheel causes more lines to be scrolled with each notch of the mouse wheel.