Selecting Measures

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Before doing any edit operations you should first select the range of measures that you want to edit. The easiest way to select a range of measures is to click where you want the selection to start then while holding down the Shift key, click where you want the selection to end. You can also click and drag to select a range of measures. You can set the Measures View snap to determine the boundary for the selection (8th note, quarter note etc...). Another way to select measures is to hold down the Shift key while moving the chord cursor with the arrow keys.

When measures are selected and you start playback, the selected measures will be looped. Once the selection is removed, the previous loop settings are used.

When measures are selected and you compose the selected measures will be composed. If the selected measures are within the punch area, the entire punch area is composed, but only the selected portion is spliced into the tracks. Use this technique when you want to recompose just the end of a section.

If the selected measures are outside the punch area, the punch settings are ignored and the entire selection is composed.