Tracks - Split Current Track by Channel

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This command splits all of the events on the current track to multiple new tracks with one new track for each event channel used by the events of the current track. This is useful for splitting MIDI files that have been authored with multiple events on the same track.

If the current track (our source track) contains events on MIDI channels 2,4 and 6, the following will occur.

Three new tracks are created, one for each of the three channels used by the current track. The new tracks are created starting at the first blank track after the current track. Only blank tracks will be copied to, no existing tracks will be modified.  

For each new destination track the following will occur (in this example the following will happen 3 times, once for channel 2, once for channel 4 and once for channel 6).  

The destination track name is set to the current track name with the MIDI channel number added to the end, i.e. "My Track - channel 2".  

The destination track type is set to MIDI, even if the source track is a style track.  

The destination track channel is set to the proper MIDI channel.  

Only events on the proper MIDI channel are copied to the destination track from the source track, thus filtering out all other channels.  

The remaining destination track properties such as level, velocity, reverb etc... are copied from the source track.