Tracks View - Track Types

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Each track can be one of the following types.

Empty - No MIDI data and no track parameters have ever been entered for the track. This is a completely unused blank track. The track number for empty tracks are displayed in italics so that they are distinguished from non empty tracks.  

Style - Track contains MIDI data and can be used by the composer. Only Style tracks can be written to by the composer. Each style track contains a style patch name which is used when loading styles to determine the sound to be used for the track.  

MIDI - Track contains MIDI data from any source except the composer. Nothing can be composed on this track. Consider this a general purpose MIDI track.  

MIDI tracks and style tracks can be either an instrument track or a drum track. This is determined for you automatically by Bandora based on the device that is assigned to each track's port and channel.

To set or change a track type, double click the track type property in the Tracks View or select Tracks - Edit Track Type.