Style Patches

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Band and drum styles not only contain style information for each musician in the style, they also contain instrument settings for each musician. The instruments used in a style will vary with the genre of music. For example, rock styles may use an electric bass while jazz styles may use an acoustic bass. This information is stored with each musician in a band style using style patches.

Style patches are generic instrument and drum names like Acoustic Piano and Tight Snare that point to the actual sound module's patch names and numbers to be used to access the sounds on your MIDI devices. These style patch names are assigned to style tracks when the style tracks are created during the load band style process.

When you load a band style, Bandora first searches the Tracks View for existing style tracks with style patch names that match the style patch names of the musicians being loaded. If a match is found, the musician will be assigned to the matching track. If no style track is found with a matching style patch name, a new track style track will be created and will be assigned the given style patch name. The real MIDI patch name and number will be filled in automatically on this track based on your device and style patch configuration.

If during the loading of a style, a style patch name is encountered that is not defined in your style patch configuration, the configure style patches dialog will be opened automatically for you. You should then fill out the details for the style patch, telling Bandora what actual device and patch you want to use to play the sound.