Setting the Punch

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Songs are normally created in sections (intro, verse, chorus, etc...). To accommodate this method of song writing, you can use the punch settings to work on specific areas of your song. By setting the punch to a specific range of measures you can compose just those measures while leaving the music in the other sections of your song unmodified.

To set the punch in point, right click on the measure where you want to start composing and select Punch In Before This Measure. To set the punch out point, right click on the last measure you wish to compose and select Punch Out After This Measure. These items are also available on the Measures View Tool Bar.

If you want finer control of the punch area (i.e. you want to punch partial measures), select the range you want to compose, open the measures menu, go to "punch and loop", and click "Set punch to selection".

Note that if you have measures selected, the punch points are ignored and the selected measures are composed instead.