Tracks View - Track Layouts

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The placement and width of each column in the Tracks View is stored in a track layout. When you move or size a column, the current layout is updated automatically.

Layout Menu

You can make as many different layouts as you like and manage and switch between them using the Tracks View header menu. The menu is opened by right clicking on the Tracks View header or by selecting Tracks - Layouts and consists of the following items.

Track layouts
The top of the menu lists the available track layouts. Select the desired layout to use it in the Tracks View. The layout name is saved with the song, so whenever you open the song, the previously used layout is loaded automatically.

Save as new layout
Saves the current layout with a new name and adds it to the list of available track layouts.

Select default layout
Allows you to specify which track layout should be used as the default layout for new songs.

Delete layout
Deletes an existing layout that you specify.