Tracks View - MIDI Input and Output

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The following is a discussion of how the Tracks View deals with MIDI input and MIDI output.

MIDI Output
When Bandora starts playback, patch changes are sent for the tracks in the following manner: One patch change is sent for each MIDI channel that is encountered. So, if multiple tracks have the same MIDI channel, a patch change is sent only for the first track encountered with that channel. For example, say you have the following setup:

Track 4:    Rock Organ      MIDI channel 3  

Track 10:   Acoustic Grand         MIDI channel 3  

Since both tracks are set to MIDI channel 3, a patch change would only be sent for the first track encountered with MIDI channel 3. In this case a Rock Organ patch change would be send on MIDI channel 3. This makes sense because each MIDI channel may only have one patch assigned to it at a given time.

When changing patches, Bandora automatically updates the patch for all tracks that contain the same MIDI channel as that of the current track. However, when importing Standard MIDI Files, track channels may be set differently. Conflicts can arise between the MIDI channels of existing tracks and those that were imported. Therefore, it is a good idea to look over your tracks after you import a Standard MIDI File to make sure the patches and channels are set correctly. The above logic also applies to the bank, level, reverb, chorus and pan properties.

If you find that there are conflicts between different tracks with the same MIDI channel, just set the properties to the desired values and all tracks that share the same MIDI channel will be updated to that of the current track. If a particular track already has the values that you need, a quick way to update the corresponding fields is to move the Tracks View cursor to each field and press the + key and then the - key to automatically update the tracks.

MIDI Input
If MIDI thru is active, incoming MIDI events will be sent to the MIDI output device and channel of the current track. If the current track's channel is set to none, events will be sent on the channel in which they were received.