Recording Tracks

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You can record your own MIDI parts to any of Bandora's tracks using a MIDI keyboard or MIDI controller. Looping is automatically disabled when recording. There are two ways that Bandora handles the recording of MIDI parts. The first is to use your Punch settings. The other method analyzes your playing to determine where to put the parts.

To record, go to the time where you want to start recording, click on the track you want to record to then click the Record button or press the F5 or R key to start recording.

If you're not happy with a take, select the Edit - Undo command then try again.

Using the Punch

If automatic punching check box is not checked in the Punch, Loop & Recording Settings dialog, Bandora will punch in the parts that you record based on your punch settings. Any MIDI events in the punch area that existed before the recording will be erased and replaced with the newly recorded parts.

With this method you can have Bandora start a specified number of measures before the punch in point. This allows you time to get ready before parts are actually recorded. This is similar to the pre-roll feature found on recording decks. Recording will stop after the punch out measure.

Recording Without Punching

If automatic punching check box is checked in the Punch, Loop & Recording Settings dialog, you can record in any area of your song regardless of the punch settings. The punch area for recording will be defined by the time of the first note that you play and the last note that you play. Any events that exist before the first note will be left as they are and any events after you stop playing will be left as they are. This allows you to fix up sections of recording parts without having to worry about punch settings.