Track Pan

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Controls the left / right pan of the track. A value of zero represents a hard left pan, a value of 127 represents a hard right pan and a value of 64 is centered. Click and hold the mouse and a pop up fader will open allowing you to set the pan to whatever value you like. Double click or press Enter to type in a pan value. When typing pan values, you can enter the values of 0-127 or you can enter values preceded with R, L or C. For example, entering R3 means pan right by a value of 3, L16 means pan left by 16 and C means center.

Tip: Use the + and - keys on the numeric keypad to increment and decrement by a value of 1 or press the [ and ] keys to increment and decrement by a value of 10.

Note that changing the pan of a track also changes the pan for all tracks that are set to the same MIDI channel. This is because there is only one MIDI pan controller for each MIDI channel.