Track Velocity Offset

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During playback, each note's velocity will have this value added to it. This provides an alternative way to make tracks louder and quieter and is a good way to mix drums. Since drums usually go to the same MIDI channel (usually channel 10), a level change would bring all drums up and down at the same time without control over individual drum levels. You may easily mix drums on playback by adjusting the velocity offset. If the kick drum is a little too loud, decrease the velocity offset on the kick drum track. If the snare drum needs a little boost, increase the velocity offset on the snare drum track. If your drum track has all the drum notes on one track, separate it into individual drum tracks with Tracks - Split Current Track by Note, then you can change the velocity offsets as desired. When you are done, you can merge the drum tracks back to a single track via Tracks - Combine Selected Tracks.

Click and hold the mouse and a pop up fader will open allowing you to set the velocity offset to whatever value you like. Double click or press Enter to type in a velocity offset value. Velocity offset values can be between -127 and 127. Note that the valid range for MIDI velocity is 0-127. If an event has a velocity of 120 and a velocity offset of 10, the output velocity will be capped at the maximum allowed value of 127.

Tip: Use the + and - keys on the numeric keypad to increment and decrement by a value of 1 or press the [ and ] keys to increment and decrement by a value of 10.