Measures - Punch and Loop

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Set Punch In (Alt+F9)
This command sets the punch in point to the current now time. This sets the point where composing will start. The punch in point can be set to any measure.beat.tick value.

Set Punch Out (Alt+F10)
This command sets the punch out point to the current now time. This sets the point where composing will stop. The punch out point can be set to any measure.beat.tick value depending on the snap setting of the Measures View.

Set Punch to Selection (Ctrl+F9)
This command sets the punch in and punch out points to match the current range of selected measures so that only the currently selected range will be composed.

Set Punch to Loop (Ctrl+F10)
This command sets the punch in and punch out points to match the current loop range so that the entire loop area will be composed.

Set Loop From (F11)
This command marks the loop start point. When looping is enabled, once playback reaches the ending loop point it jumps immediately to the loop start point. This process is repeated continually until you either disable looping or manually stop playback.

Set Loop To (F12)
This command marks the loop end point.

Set Loop to Selection (Ctrl+F11)
This command sets the loop start and end points to match the current range of selected measures so that only the currently selected range will be played back in a loop.

Set Loop to Punch (Ctrl+F12)
This command sets the loop start and end points to match the current punch in and punch out points so that only the current punch area will be looped. This is useful when you are composing a particular area and only want to hear that area after you compose.

Set Punch and Loop to Selection (Alt+F12)
This command sets both the punch and loop ranged to match the current range of selected measures.

Loop Follows Punch (Alt+Shift+L)
If this item is checked, whenever you set a punch in or punch out point, the loop range is automatically set to match the punch range. This is very useful when composing individual sections of your song.

Punch, Loop & Recording Settings (Ctrl+Alt+P)
This command opens the Punch, Loop & Recording Settings dialog.

Enable Looping (Ctrl+L)
If this item is checked playback will loop between the loop from and loop to points, otherwise playback will play linearly from beginning to end.