Tracks View Tool Bar

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tracks view toolbar

The Tracks View Tool Bar contains the following items (in order from left to right).

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Track Type & Style Patch
Allows you to edit the track type and style patch for the current track.

Allows you to change the bank and patch for the current track.

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Allows you to select and unselect tracks.

Deletes the selected track(s) or the current track if there are no tracks selected.

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Solo and un-solo tracks.

Mute and un-mute tracks.

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Selects the Styles - Compose command.

Compose Mode
Sets the current track to compose mode. See 'Compose, Keep and Erase Modes' in the appendix for more information about compose, keep and erase modes.

Keep Mode
Sets the current track to keep mode.

Erase Mode
Sets the current track to erase mode.

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Style Editor
Opens the Style Editor and takes you to the musician that is assigned to the current track in the current band style. If this item is disabled, there are no musicians in the current band style that are assigned to the current track.

Style Builder
Allows you to add and remove musicians using the Style Builder.

Measures View
Opens the Measures View at the measure where the current band style is assigned. If the band style is assigned to multiple measures you will be able to select which one you want to go to.

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Selects the Transport - Rewind command.

Selects the Transport - Stop command.

Selects the Transport - Play command.

Rewind and Play
Selects the Transport - Rewind and Play command.

Fast Forward
Selects the Transport - Fast Forward command.